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Week 7 - Art

1. Look back on the last two projects and review any connections between ideas used in this project and those you have begun to develop here.

The main idea of this project is chance, and coming up with work that has been randomly thought up with by chance. E.G the lyric at 1 minute in a song. My idea is to make a model city that I thought up with by a lyric. The Design project was very different as I was following a brief that had explicit instructions on the theme of the project. The Media project was fairly similar as it was open like this project is however that had did have a theme. So, this project is a lot more open than the last two projects.

2. What have been the main opportunities and challenges in developing ideas and approaches this week?

The main opportunities I had this week were coming up with an idea by chance. This is something I could use in Graphic Design as a way of coming up with ideas. Challenges this week were coming up with the idea in the first place as it took me a little bit longer to explore chanced ideas.

3. Have you changed where you see yourself currently in terms of art/design/media? If so, why?

No, I still see myself in Graphic Design.

4. Which skills developed in previous weeks have been useful this week?

Not Sure

5. Have new contextual references been useful in helping you think about new approaches to the brief?

Listening to music to find a lyric at a certain time has been useful as a new way of coming up with an idea.

6. How have the practical and material elements of the work gone? Have you kept notes?

I am keeping notes in my sketchbook while sticking in my work and photographing everything I have come up with.

7. What are your plans for next week? And for the longer term?

Next week I will finish the art project and have a project review. I will choose my workshop choices relating to Graphic Design.

8. If you had a tutorial this week, how might you use that to reflect on your progress?

I did not have a tutorial this week.

9. Take time to evaluate your progression options to HE as you will soon be making a choice.

I want to do either Graphic Design or Visual Communication, that the progression workshops will help me to decide.

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